"Mysterious Family" is a domestic horror film released in China in 2017. It mainly talks about the peaceful life of Miao Miao's family Unexpectedly, on Christmas Eve, the warm family dinner became the last supper. The whole family was wiped out, and only the girl Miao Miao survived. When she was looking for the truth of the tragedy, she found that everyone in the family was trying to hide a secret. The relationship between her father, mother and younger brother became more and more delicate, and all this started from the fact that Miao Miao was arrested a few months ago. Speaking of the night of the sexual assault by the mysterious man, after the incident happened, Miao Miao's temperament changed drastically after the collapse. She was no longer as sensible and cute as before, and became very irritable and irritable. She blamed her mother for being sexually assaulted. and her younger brother, she was desperate and wanted to end the rest of her life by suicide. Miao Miao once wanted to call the police, but her father said that the police should not know what happened at home. In the end, just like that, a family of four who had no acquaintance with the murderer was killed for such a reason
1. 《神秘家族》是由哪些演员主演的?
2. 电影《神秘家族》是在哪一年在大陆上映的?
3. 《神秘家族》是由哪位导演执导的?
4. 电影《神秘家族》的类型是什么?
5. 电影《神秘家族》的故事背景是什么?
6. 《神秘家族》的主要剧情是什么?
7. 电影中的悬疑元素和恐怖氛围如何呈现?