"Eye in the Sky" is an American drama film, which was released in the United States on March 11, 2016, and was released on January 13, 2017 Released in Mainland China. The film mainly tells a series of stories that happened during a military intelligence officer commanding a drone bombing mission in order to catch terrorists
Colonel Catherine Powell, a military intelligence officer, received an order from a higher authority to lead troops to capture the Kenyan capital The main suspect in the terrorist activities in Nairobi. When Colonel Catherine Powell learned that the terrorist group was about to carry out a suicide terrorist attack in Kenya, she immediately decided to send drone pilot Steve Watts to eliminate the group of terrorists. Just as Steve Watts was about to destroy the terrorist stronghold, a young girl entered his range. Powell hurriedly contacted lawyers and Kenyan government officials, fearing that other situations would determine whether the story of destroying terrorists could continue.
1. 《天空之眼》是由哪位导演执导的?
2. 哪些明星参与了《天空之眼》的演出?
3. 《天空之眼》属于哪个类型的电影?
4. 电影《天空之眼》的故事情节是什么?
5. 《天空之眼》的背景设定在哪里?
6. 这部电影的评价如何?取得了什么成就?
7. 电影《天空之眼》探讨了哪些主题?