The TV animation "All Evil Jade" is an original TV animation work produced by the Clown Club, directed by Tomohisa Taguchi, with Norimitsu Haifa as the chief screenwriter. This work is one of the projects announced when TooKyoGames was founded, telling the story of a group of criminals who "carry out their own way of life"
The background of the story is set in the distant past, when a war broke out between Kanto and Kansai, and the world was divided into two regions. Over time, Kansai became a vassal state of Kanto and achieved independent development. But in contrast, politics and police power have declined, and crime is rampant. These criminals are called "evil jade". The stage of this work is a highly developed but distorted society. In this society, how criminals survive and express aesthetics in their own style, the collision between them will be presented in the story.
1. 电影《全员恶玉》的主要演员有哪些?
2. 电影《全员恶玉》是在哪一年产生的?
3. 电影《全员恶玉》的导演是谁?
4. 电影《全员恶玉》属于哪种类型?
5. 电影《全员恶玉》的剧情简介是什么?
6. 电影《全员恶玉》的制片国家是哪个?
7. 电影《全员恶玉》的评价如何?
8. 电影《全员恶玉》的动画风格如何?