"Titans" tells the story of a team of superheroes who fend off criminals and save the planet. Robin emerges from the shadows and leads the team to fight criminals; Starfire, an alien princess, finds her place in the team and joins the team of heroes by virtue of her ability to fly and shoot
In reality, the earth is facing serious problems of resource shortage and overpopulation, and Titan has carried out a campaign to change this situation. A crazy experiment. But with the passage of time, the danger has also increased. Many superheroes carry the dreams and hopes of mankind, and fight against various terrorist organizations to defend the future of mankind. People place their hopes on whether the development of science and technology can lead mankind to victory. All these stories are happening quietly.
1. 《泰坦》这部电影的演员是谁?
2. 电影《泰坦》是在哪个地区产生的?
3. 《泰坦》属于哪个类型的电影?
4. 电影《泰坦》讲述了什么样的故事?
5. 电影《泰坦》讲述了什么故事?