"The Roof After School" is a comedy film directed by Li Zexun, starring Park Zhemin, Kim Tae Hyun, Bong Tae Kyu and other actors. This film was released in 2006. The film released in South Korea in 2009 tells the story of Nan Gongda who was very unlucky. After accepting Jiang Zaijiu's challenge after arriving at school, he had to think of escape within 7 hours
Nan Gongda is an unlucky guy who encountered a series of misfortunes in his life. After being stimulated, he received psychological treatment and returned to school. Determined not to be bullied anymore, he met a friend who received psychological treatment with him in the new school, and the friend taught Nangong Da not to be bullied at school, he needed to disguise himself as a "thorny and poisonous puffer fish", but the unlucky Nangong Da found A "shark" aspires to be a strong man.
Nangongda and the school bully decided to fight on the roof after school, but Nangong was not good at martial arts, and showed it at the last moment With unexpected courage, he won the duel and the respect of his classmates, and started a new life.
1. 《放学后的屋顶》这部电影是哪个国家/地区产生的?
2. 主要由哪些演员主演?
4. 这部电影的类型是什么?
5. 这部电影讲述了什么样的故事?
6. 主要角色之间有怎样的互动和冲突?
7. 这部电影的笑点和喜剧元素有哪些?