"The First Season of That Rabbit That Year" is a domestic animation produced in mainland China in 2015. Performed by Shan Xin, directed by Director Eleven.
The story takes place on a beautiful blue planet in the vast universe. On the land stands an ancient country - flower growers, and the residents of the country regard themselves as descendants of Yan and Huang. After 5,000 years of prosperity, flower growers began to decline, and powers such as Gouxiong and Jiaopenji saw the opportunity and decided to carve up the country. At this time, Mr. Bald Meng claimed to be the master, and the rabbit who was the second master made a grand appearance. However, the initial cooperation was not smooth, the two slapped each other and beat each other, but they didn't expect that the foot pot chicken took advantage of the void and tried to annex the flower planter.
In order to defend its homeland, Rabbit decides to join hands with President Meng again disgrace. The rabbit successfully drove away the foot pot chicken and Mr. Meng, and established a new country. However, since that year, the two major groups headed by Bear and Eagle have entered the Cold War period, and the dispute between the two stick groups in the North and South Peninsulas has also drawn Rabbit into a new war.
This animation shows the struggle and conflict between nations in a humorous way Contradictory, full of fun and hilarious elements. It also reflects the rise and fall of kingdoms, as well as the wisdom and courage of their leaders. While enjoying the animation, the audience will also appreciate some historical and political meanings in it.
1. 《那年那兔那些事 第一季》的主要角色有哪些?
《那年那兔那些事 第一季》的主要角色包括兔子等。
2. 这部动漫是在哪一年产生的?
《那年那兔那些事 第一季》是在2015年在大陆产生的。
3. 这部动漫的导演是谁?
《那年那兔那些事 第一季》的导演是十一。
4. 这部动漫属于哪种类型?
《那年那兔那些事 第一季》属于国产动漫类型。
5. 这部动漫讲述了什么样的故事?
《那年那兔那些事 第一季》以校园生活为背景,讲述了兔子等角色之间的成长、友情和爱情故事。
6. 这部动漫的评价如何?
《那年那兔那些事 第一季》受到观众和动漫爱好者的欢迎,被认为是一部温暖感人的优秀作品。
7. 这部动漫的特色和亮点是什么?
《那年那兔那些事 第一季》以其细腻的情感表达和真实的人物形象为特色,吸引了观众的注意。
8. 这部动漫的配乐和音效如何呈现?
《那年那兔那些事 第一季》通过精心制作的音乐和音效,为故事增色添彩,营造了恰到好处的氛围。
9. 这部动漫给观众带来了怎样的观影体验?
《那年那兔那些事 第一季》通过其感人肺腑的故事情节和动人心弦的表演,为观众带来了一场温暖而难忘的观影体验。