"Science Peter Pan" is a sci-fi action movie released in 2006. This movie mainly tells about five young superheroes Gathered together by an international scientific organization, trained and united against the high-tech demons who seek to control all the natural resources of the planet, in order to stop them, the 5 superheroes must defeat the various monsters they created
This film mainly takes place in the future world, where the demon party infected with the X virus appears on the earth with powerful monsters every corner. In just 7 days, half of the earth's territory was successfully captured, and people were displaced, hiding in the last reserve and lingering. In order to save this situation, a doctor from the International Science and Technology Agency discovered a mysterious stone that can give specific people The super fighters with enhanced strength are the best choice to stop the demon party. After layers of selection, the five selected have grown into super fighters against the demon party.
1. 《科学小飞侠》是哪一年在日本上映的?
2. 电影《科学小飞侠》的导演是谁?
3. 哪些演员在电影《科学小飞侠》中扮演主要角色?
4. 《科学小飞侠》属于哪种类型的电影?
5. 这部电影的剧情背景是什么?
6. 电影《科学小飞侠》的故事主线是什么?
7. 电影的主题是什么?
8. 这部电影在日本取得了什么样的反响?