"Seven Juvenile Delinquents" is a Japanese animation created with juvenile crime as the main theme. Adapted from the original manga of "Showa 30 Years", in this anime, everything suffered by juvenile delinquents in the 1930s of the Showa era is restored for the majority of fans, so that the audience will have in-depth discussions when watching this movie
In Showa 30, 7 teenagers were charged with murder, theft, wounding, fraud, etc. These kinds of crimes are listed in the hearts of the seven teenagers, and they also yearn for freedom. Because of the crimes, the seven boys were imprisoned in the Shonan Special Juvenile Home. There are different situations such as private fights and escape from prison, and these seven teenagers live in dire straits every day, and the friendship between friends every day has become the best comfort for these seven teenagers. To a more secure life, a more brutal process will unfold.
1. 谁是《少年犯之七人》这部电影的主要演员?
2. 这部电影是在哪一年产生的?
3. 这部电影的导演是谁?
4. 这部电影属于哪个国家的产物?
5. 这部电影的类型是什么?
6. 这部电影的剧情背景是什么?
7. 这部电影的故事主要围绕什么展开?
8. 这部电影的评价如何?