"Long-term crush" is a 13 episodes of Japanese cartoons released in Japan in 2016. The production process of this cartoon is adapted from the original comics of the famous Japanese cartoonist Daishi Miyake. The name of the comics still uses the name of the original comics, and the plot in the comics The content has a very strong inspirational meaning
The anime mainly tells that Kurata Ami is a female college student who is studying in university. Ami's motor nerves are not particularly developed, which leads to her I would fall down when I was walking. I belonged to a sports idiot. In order to save my life, Masami Kurata decided to learn to ride a bicycle. In the process of learning how to ride a bicycle, Ami Kurata suddenly found that she had fallen in love with Kurata Ami, who fell in love with cycling, spent all her savings to buy a bicycle she liked, and began to make an appointment with her childhood friend to travel by bicycle.
1. 《长骑美眉》是由谁导演的?
2. 《长骑美眉》是哪一年产生的?
3. 电影《长骑美眉》的主要声优有哪些?
4. 《长骑美眉》属于哪个国家的电影?
5. 电影《长骑美眉》属于什么类型?
6. 这部电影讲述了什么故事?
7. 《长骑美眉》的剧情发生在哪个时空?
8. 电影《长骑美眉》的评价如何?