"Poachers" is in 2020 A domestic animation released in mainland China in 2009. This animation lasts six minutes in total and is made in the form of a short film. The main plot of the film is to describe the future world where animals become the masters of the entire earth and the world. After the master, he started to do some things that humans used to do to animals, and continued to hunt, which is some of the behaviors they often do. The film will be officially released on May 31, 2020, and it will be presented to the audience with classic details. Excellent plot content, in a few short minutes, shows the close relationship between humans and animals
In this film, animals often go hunting after becoming the masters of the earth. In this film, the hero is a cat disguised Human beings, in this animal-dominated world, in order not to expose their human identity, he chooses to do the same thing as animals, to hunt his fellow human beings, and during this hunting process, he gradually becomes addicted to it , and finally exposed his identity in the following plots, and went to destruction.
1. 《偷猎者》是哪个国家的电影?
2. 《偷猎者》是哪一年上映的?
3. 这部电影的导演是谁?
4. 《偷猎者》属于哪个电影类型?
5. 这部电影的故事背景是什么?
6. 这部电影讲述了什么样的故事?
7. 这部电影的动画风格如何?