Big Stupid Elephant is a drama comedy movie, which was officially released in 2017. This movie is mainly about middle-aged The architect encountered a bottleneck in his life. He was disliked by his wife at home and disliked by his colleagues and boss in the company. Unemployed, he suddenly looked back on the streets of Bangkok, saw an elephant, recalled his happy time, and resolutely spent a lot of money to buy After getting off the elephant, they found that there was no room for the two of them in the whole city, so they resolutely went north with the elephant and returned home
During the journey back home, emergencies between humans and elephants continued one after another. Hexiang also witnessed many beautiful scenery. In the film, the director uses a humorous style to let the protagonist fight against the mid-life crisis, turning the desolate scenery of the Thai countryside into a song of self-transformation that is full of light.
The theme of this movie is very good, the story is very strong, but the metaphor is not strong enough, so it seems relatively ordinary. As a drama film, this film also has many shortcomings.
1. 《大力象》这部电影的主要演员有哪些?
2. 电影《大力象》是哪个国家或地区产生的?
3. 电影《大力象》是哪一年上映的?
4. 《大力象》属于哪一类电影类型?
5. 电影《大力象》的导演是谁?
6. 电影《大力象》的剧情梗概是什么?
7. 电影《大力象》的主题是什么?
8. 电影《大力象》的拍摄风格如何?