The film "The Rage" is a Yankee action film based on Shinagawa's own youth novel. The story mainly revolves around Hiroshi Shinanogawa, who decided to become a delinquent boy because of his love of Yankee comics, and transferred from a private school to a public school, Komae North Middle School. However, on the first day of transfer, he was beaten by the gang leader Ryuya Iguchi and arrested by the criminal police officer Aramaki.
Shinanogawa Hiroshi is a misunderstood young man, but in a relationship with After a group of unscrupulous teenagers such as Tatsuya, Lupine, Morimi Takashi and Wanzi became friends, he gradually found his sense of belonging. They spend every day together, facing various challenges and difficulties together. Although Shinano Kawahiro's background is not accepted by society, his friends have always supported him and fought side by side with him.
"The Rage Boy" depicts the story of Hiroshi Shinanogawa and his friends , showing the growth journey of bravely facing challenges and difficulties. They learned courage and teamwork in the fight, constantly overcame difficulties, and pursued their dreams and goals. The film emphasizes the importance of friendship, persistence and struggle, and at the same time conveys positive energy.
1. 《剽悍少年》的故事情节是什么?
2. 电影中的主要演员有哪些?
3. 《剽悍少年》的导演是谁?
4. 电影的剧情是否扣人心弦?
5. 演员们的表演如何?
6. 电影的制作质量如何?
7. 该电影的主题是什么?