"Jigsaw Puzzle" is an American drama The film, which was released in the United States in 2018, mainly tells the story of a housewife entering the world of jigsaw puzzles. In the film, a housewife unknowingly enters the game world of jigsaw puzzles, and her life has undergone tremendous changes
Through the competition of jigsaw puzzles, this housewife re-positions her life and enjoys him. The music in the film is also very good, and the main tone of the film is also very warm. The extramarital affairs of the heroine in the film broke all beautiful fantasies. The male protagonist in the film is very attractive, and the heroine’s husband is out of place, like an older generation. , doing the same job and thinking the same thing every day, although the heroine's husband's thinking is a bit rigid and strange, but when the heroine says nothing, he will still compromise, and he can find that he loves the heroine very much, so overall it is a good one. The husband; the heroine is smart and quick thinking, and can handle some things in life well.
1. 《拼图》这部电影的主要演员有哪些?
2. 电影《拼图》是哪个国家或地区产生的?
3. 电影《拼图》是哪一年上映的?
4. 《拼图》属于哪一类电影类型?
5. 电影《拼图》的导演是谁?
6. 电影《拼图》的剧情梗概是什么?
7. 电影《拼图》的主题是什么?
8. 电影《拼图》的拍摄风格如何?