The Hustle and bustle is a riveting film that tells the story of its main character, Matt. Matt is an influential figure and young father to newborn baby Julius. However, he accidentally discovers a dark secret from his father's past, setting off a series of shocking family dramas.
Shocked by this discovery, Matt decides to investigate further. He opens a door to the past, revealing a string of family secrets. As the investigation progressed, Matt gradually discovered that there was noise in the family, and things were not as simple as they seemed.
Matt’s wife, Liv, is very concerned that she will lose her horse. special. She stops at nothing to try to protect their family and marriage. However, as the truth was revealed, everything seemed irreparable. Will Liv have time to salvage their relationship? Or is it too late?
1. 《喧嚣之音》这部电影的主要演员有哪些?
《喧嚣之音》的主要演员包括Kaaris、Alassane Diong和Carl。
2. 《喧嚣之音》这部电影是由哪个国家/地区制作的?
3. 谁是《喧嚣之音》的导演?
《喧嚣之音》的导演是Steffen Geypens。
4. 《喧嚣之音》属于哪个电影类型?
5. 《喧嚣之音》的故事背景是什么?
6. 马特在《喧嚣之音》中发现了什么秘密?
7. 《喧嚣之音》中的家庭戏剧是如何引发的?
8. 《喧嚣之音》这部电影的剧情如何?