
类型:日本动漫 动画 国产动漫  日本  2020 

主演:梅原裕一郎 小仓唯 东山奈央 中村悠一 杉田智和 井口裕香 内田真礼 日笠阳子 松冈祯丞 







Goblin Slayer: Goblin Crown is a Japanese anime full of adventure and excitement. The story revolves around a mysterious adventurer, known as the "Goblin Slayer", who took it as his mission to crusade against Goblins, and became a rare existence of silver and others in the frontier guild.

At the beginning of the story, a priestess became an adventurer and formed The first adventure team, but soon she fell into crisis. Fortunately, she met the Goblin Slayer, who stepped forward and saved her. After that, the Maiden of the Sword made a commission to Goblin Slayer, asking him to find the missing Qianjin Swordsman. Goblin Slayer and his team head to the snowy mountains in the north and embark on a dangerous journey of searching and saving.

During this journey, Goblin Slayer and his party were attacked There are impoverished villages and mysterious churches, and the actions of goblins have become extremely unusual. Everything made Goblin Slayer feel something was wrong. He decides to take back everything he lost, including saving the imprisoned Qianjin Swordsman. So, they came to the ancient fortress surrounded by ice and snow, and started a fierce battle with the powerful existence that ruled the goblins.

"Goblin Slayer: Goblin Crown" takes the audience into a A mysterious fantasy world full of excitement and adventure. The Goblin Slayer in the story is a character with great personality, whose bravery and wisdom moved the audience. At the same time, the goblins have also displayed great strength and cunning strategies, becoming villains that people love and hate.


1. 《哥布林杀手:哥布林的王冠》这部动漫的主要声优有哪些?


2. 这部动漫是在哪一年产生的?


3. 这部动漫的导演是谁?


4. 这部动漫属于什么类型?


5. 这部动漫讲述了什么样的故事?


6. 这部动漫的评价如何?


7. 这部动漫的主题和意义是什么?


8. 这部动漫的剧情发展如何?


9. 这部动漫在动漫界产生了什么样的影响?


10. 这部动漫的画面和音乐如何?






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