The TV series "EERIE~The Invisible Face" was directed by Junichi Mori in 2018, with Joe Odagiri and Yuina Kuroshima , Nakari Yisa, Ogata Kazusei and many other actors performed passionately. This work introduces the audience into a mysterious world, full of horror and uneasy atmosphere.
The plot revolves around university professor Seiji Hirokawa. His wife died of illness, and on the night of the funeral, a mysterious woman appeared in front of him, but he was completely invisible. This strange phenomenon is just the beginning of the story. As the plot progresses, more strange things begin to happen. The president of Guangchuan's university died suddenly, and the election of the new president caused suspicion and conflict. And around, even in the garbage dumps, dead bodies were found. At the same time, the people around Guangchuan gradually felt a sense of disobedience. His colleagues, his wife's former colleague Mizushima Rei (Naka Riisa) and others seemed to be in a state of unease.
The TV series "EERIE ~ Invisible Face" is famous for its exciting plot and The mysterious atmosphere attracts the audience's attention. The weird phenomena and incredible events in the story lead people into a world full of unknowns and dangers. The audience can feel the tension and fear in each episode, as if they are in the situation of the story.
The actors in the play also use their superb acting skills to express the inner emotions of the characters Show vividly. Seiji Hirokawa, played by Joe Odagiri, constantly tries to find the truth when faced with mysterious events, and at the same time shows emotions of terror and anxiety. Mizushima Rei, played by Naka Riisa, showed excellent expressiveness in the character's inner changes.