"Drifting Boy" is an original TV animation broadcast in Japan in 2021. This animation mainly revolves around the school life of a group of students Expand
The story focuses on the third-grade students in the middle school, but the protagonist and his party are suddenly involved in an unimaginable state of the world , a mysterious transfer student and 36 students in the same class, all drifted randomly in one dimension due to abnormal events. In the process of drifting, I also gained a variety of abilities. Some people are happy because they have acquired abilities beyond imagination. There are those who use Ability 4 to make trouble. people who fight together. The students desperately wanted to find a way to return to the original world, but they had no choice but to question each other in the process, and the emergence of uncontrollable jealousy and other situations led to various difficult incidents before everyone. Facing this strange drifting world, can boys and girls find their way home and return to their original world safely.
1. 《漂流少年》是一部什么类型的电影?
2. 《漂流少年》是在哪一年产生的?
3. 《漂流少年》的导演是谁?
4. 《漂流少年》的主要声优有哪些?
5. 《漂流少年》讲述了什么样的故事?
6. 《漂流少年》的故事背景是什么?
7. 《漂流少年》的动画风格如何?
8. 《漂流少年》的主题是什么?
9. 《漂流少年》在动漫市场上有何特色和影响?