"Father and Daughter Seven Days" is Japan officially aired a family series on July 1, 2007. This TV series is adapted from a novel of the same name created by Takahisa 50 Arashi. It is directed by Takeshi Yoshida, written by Shuko Arai, and Yui Shinheng. , Kato Chengliang as the leading role, the main content of the film is about a 47-year-old father and 16-year-old daughter, due to some accidents, the soul exchange occurred, and the two sides faced this situation. The exchange and communication between each other eased the indifferent relationship between each other
At the beginning of this film, the relationship between the protagonist and his woman has always been very cold. The accident changed the souls of both parties. In the mid-life of the company, the father had to return to campus to experience high school life. In this high school life, facing the boy who admired his daughter, the father had to help the daughter get rid of her In the face of the experience of the adult world, the originally innocent daughter also felt the hard work of her father. The two parties finally improved their relationship through this experience.
1. 《父女七日变》是哪一年产生的?
2. 这部电影的导演是谁?
3. 《父女七日变》的主要演员有哪些?
4. 这部电影属于哪个国家的产物?
5. 这部电影的类型是什么?
6. 这部电影的剧情是什么?
7. 这部电影在观众中的反响如何?