"Night Night Wonder House" is a variety show full of mystery and entertainment. The story takes place in a quaint place, which is located in a secluded corner. The descendants of the Yagi family who live here have special abilities and great power. However, the heir who is about to take over the family business is somewhat selfish and lonely. To help with that, he enjoys talking to people, playing games and playing.
"Night Night Wonderful Museum" is the heir and his uncle (by Kazuo Ozawa) Long played) created a variety show. They invite friends to the mansion to chat and play games every night, and the time for the program is very generous. Each week, the Heir invites interested and close guests to the room for conversation and presentations in a relaxed atmosphere.
Viewers can look forward to seeing the heir and Interesting conversations and interactions with the guests. This show brings laughter and joy to everyone, while also conveying the importance of friendship and communication. In this ancient and mysterious environment, the heir gradually opened his heart and became more cheerful and confident through communicating and interacting with various people.
1. 该电影《夜夜奇妙馆》由哪些主要演员担任主要角色?
2. 《夜夜奇妙馆》是哪个国家的电影?
3. 这部电影的拍摄年份是什么时候?
4. 电影中的节目名称是什么?
5. 该节目的主题是什么?
6. 每天晚上,继承人会邀请谁到他的宅邸?
7. 在节目中,参与者会做些什么活动?
8. 《夜夜奇妙馆》属于哪种类型的综艺节目?